
Our Vision, Mission & Motto

Our Vision

Carmel School is committed to offer a life-oriented education that is humanizing and liberative, enabling the students to be socially conscious and justice oriented. Empowerment of the poor and the marginalized will be a priority and respect for God's creations will be fostered. The thrust is on the light of the 'Civiliation of Love' as envisaged and promoted by our founders, Mother Teresa of St. Rose of Lima.


Our Mission


  • To make the institution a center for women empowerment, self and social transformation and nation building.
  • To educate students to be visionaries; to dream high, to be creative, indomitable and critical thinkers.
  • To educate the students to honor all human beings and to have respect for all God's creations.
  • To inculcate in the students respect for all religions.
  • To enlighten the students on the unique historical heritage of the nation.
  • To make the school assembly a platform for high lighting values.
  • To motivate the staff and students to respond positively to the present socio-political and religious issues.
  • To facilitate information and communication technology and thereby make the students and staff adept in the digital world.
  • To provide quality integral vocational training.
  • To enlighten our teachers to be responsible, dedicated, committed, creative and empowered professionals. 


Our Motto

‘Shine where you are’

Man’s life starts from the womb of his mother and then grows into a fully developed personality. A child’s family, school, peer group and society together promote her/his all-round personality. Our school takes this responsibility to impart productive and creative education and improve knowledge and skill of students so as to make them a fully developed personality which will help them to shine wherever they are.