  • Contact No.
  • +91 85901 92139
  • Email
  • carmelschool42440@gmail.com

School Bus

  1.  Parents who wish to send their children by the school bus should apply in advance.
  2. One month’s notice is to be given before discontinuing transportation in the school bus.
  3. If the school bus fails to run on any day because of some unforeseen inconvenience, the students should reach the school by other means. No complaint will be entertained in such situations.
  4. Bus fees should be paid before the 10th of every month, failing which a fine will be charged.
  5. Fees once paid is not refunded. It is liable to change in accordance with the increase in fuel prices.
  6. Students should come in time to the boarding point.
  7. Special care should be given by the senior students to the smaller children and those who happen to be sick.
  8. Students should travel only in the bus allotted to them as per their bus pass.
  9. Gentleness and exemplary behaviour is expected while travelling in the school bus or any other transportation facility.