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Director’s Message

Rev. Sr. Renita

It is rightly said that behind every successful man, there are a lot of unsuccessful years. Later on, for at least some of them, success become a habit, and once this habit is established, it is easier to succeed.
Children, you are the leaders and molders of tomorrow’s world. Assimilating positive qualities and attitudes will help you grow up to be successful and responsible citizens. The values and discipline that you imbibe in childhood decide how will you do in life. So think good and do good.
Children, you can make wonders work. To say, you can contribute greatly towards eliminating social evils and corruption in your own way. Pledge that you will never be corrupt in your life or tolerate any sort of social injustice. Never work for material gains alone, never idolize money or power. Only if that younger generation is bold enlightened and industrious, can our country scale new heights.
Children, you must keep striving for excellence till that the last. Looking at people who have excelled can inspire you to follow their footsteps. The craving for excellence should come from within. You must nurture it like a young sapling, so that it grows and becomes an obsession in you. To become obsessed is when your mind and body is so much involved that you cannot disregard it even for a moment. With the passing of time, you will realize that the striving for excellence has become a habit, devoid of any outside influence. In this context, let me draw your attention to our motto ‘SHINE where YOU are’. There is no cheer in living your life just as anyone else does. Live it differently and excellently.
Be on your guard. The path towards excellence and perfection will be thorny and full of hurdles. There are times of adversity. Embolden your heart and strengthen your mint and learn to overcome the hurdles with courage and dignity. Always remember that it ‘the test of fire that makes fine steel’’